
Since we launched our Sustainability Strategy in FY21, we have taken the positive steps towards meeting our commitments.

Our Targets

Energy & Carbon

Achieve net zero carbon (scope 1 and 2 emissions) in our operations by FY30

Climate Risk

We believe in being transparent and climate prepared

Water & Waste

We believe in using and reusing all resources responsibly and efficiently

Essentially Local

Work together with The Smith Family to build strong, sustainable communities

Health & Wellbeing

Continually improve health and wellbeing of employees

Diversity & Inclusion

40:40:20 gender diversity target

Our Pathways

Reaching net zero carbon emissions, scope 1 and 2, by FY30 is a major target that requires planning and commitment which includes being more energy efficient and increasing onsite renewable energy generation.

These goals are the next steps on our carbon reduction journey, which started back in FY16. The timeline below details our biggest positive actions so far, and the major steps developed as part of our new Sustainability Strategy to reach net zero by FY30.

FY16 to FY20

First Region Group Sustainability Strategy launched with 3 pillars

First solar PV project commenced at Griffin Plaza

2.4MW solar PV added through acquisitions

Commenced our first energy-efficient BMS project


0.2MW solar PV added to the portfolio

Launched our Sustainability Strategy with 6 pillars

Committed to net zero (Scope 1 and 2) by FY30

LED lighting project commenced


6.2MW solar PV generation capacity installed across 6 Western Australian centres

100% LED lighting installed in all centres


5.3MW solar PV generation capacity installed or under construction across 9 centres

0.8MW solar PV added through acquisitions

Commenced new embedded network roll-outs

Investigated the feasibility of large scale onsite electricity storage


Start construction on at least 5.1MW solar PV generation capacity

Continue embedded network roll-outs where solar PV is installed

Install LED lighting to new property acquisitions


Install at least 5.0MW solar PV generation capacity

Continue replacing HVAC and other systems, to eliminate ozone-depleting R22 refrigerant at our centres by FY25

Reduce consumption across our centres from grid energy by 20% by FY26

Continue embedded network roll-outs where solar PV is installed


25MW total onsite solar PV generation installed


Reach net zero carbon emissions (scope 1 and 2)

Read about our Sustainability strategy, approach, and commitments

Our Transparency

Region Group operates in a transparent manner, and for the first time, we are publicly making commitments to the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

We will continue to operate transparently as we act and report our sustainability targets. Our sustainability targets and data are externally verified by sustainability consultancy Cundall. See the verification statement of the FY23 Sustainability Report for more information.