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Click here to view Region’s Half Year FY25 Results Presentation Webcast
Region’s core strategy is to invest in a geographically diverse portfolio of convenience-based retail centres.
Our Board’s mission is to represent and serve the interests of unitholders by overseeing and appraising Region Group’s strategies, policies…
Region RE Limited (ACN 158 809 851) (Region Group) comprises two (2) registered managed investment schemes, Region Management Trust (ARSN 160 612 626) (Management Trust)…
Region is committed to establishing and maintaining the best practice corporate governance systems, ethical conduct, essential to our…
It has been 12 years since we have listed and, in this time, our portfolio has grown to 99 convenience-based shopping centres valued at $4.821 billion.
We have strong growth ambitions, and we recognise not only hard work, but those who role model our values.
Region Group (RGN) owns and manages 99 convenience-based retail properties as at 30 June 2024.
A Region stapled unit represents one unit in Region Management Trust and one unit in Region Retail trust (formerly SCA Property Management Trust and SCA Property Retail Trust) trading together as one.
Our Financial results of Region’s performance ending 30 June 2024, and previous years reports and presentations can be downloaded here.
Distributions are announced and declared in December and June for each financial year on the Australian Stock Exchange. Distributions will be paid on a six-monthly basis at the end of January and at the end of August in respect of those announcements.
To determine your return on your investment you should seek financial advice. Periodic and/or exit statements are available from the unit registry (Link Market Services). These statements may assist in providing certain details of your investment…
Region may be required to periodically advise you of the price at which you have acquired RGN securities or why RGN cannot. If you have purchased RGN securities on-market Region will not know this information and cannot provide it to you. Please contact your broker if you wish to know the price at which you have acquired RGN securities.
Recent legislative changes to the Corporations Act 2001 effective 1 April 2022 means there are new options available to you as a securityholder as to how you elect to receive your communications. We will no longer send you physical meeting documents unless you request a copy to be mailed. You will be able to access the relevant meeting documents online.
Greenbank Town Centre – Proposed Redevelopment
We are seeking an amended development approval from Economic Development Queensland for a major expansion and revitalisation of the existing Greenbank Shopping Centre. We would appreciate if you would please take a moment to share your thoughts on the proposed plans.