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Investor Centre

Investment Returns and Periodic Statements

Investment Return

To determine your return on your investment you should seek financial advice.

Periodic and/or exit statements are available from the unit registry, MUFG Corporate Markets (AU) Limited (previously known as Link Market Services). These statements may assist in providing certain details of your investment. Terms used in these statements are in the glossary of terms below.

Periodic and/or Exit Statements

Periodic and/or Exit Statements provide information concerning your Region stapled securities, including the opening and closing balances, changes to your investment, management costs (including fees charged), the return on investment, as well as changes in circumstances that may affect your investment.

If you have any questions or require further information in relation to your Region investment, please contact your financial planner, visit, or contact the Region Information Line on 1300 318 976 (within Australia) or +61 1300 318 976 (outside Australia).

Details of Fees and Charges

The approximate amounts below have been deducted from your investment and covers amounts that have reduced the return on your investment but are not charged directly to you as a fee.

This approximate amount includes all the fees and costs which affected your investment during the period. As no direct fees are charged to investors, the estimated total fees are the same as the indirect costs.

FY24 FY23 FY22
Weighted stapled securities on issue
Direct Costs ($)
Indirect Costs*
Indirect Costs* per stapled
security (cpa)
Indirect Costs* per 10,000 stapled securities ($)
* Indirect costs are the approximate amount that has been deducted from your investment and covers amounts that have reduced the return on your investment but are not charged directly to you as a fee. These costs include registry, custody, accounting, employee benefits expense, corporate costs, office costs and other administrative fees. It is calculated by multiplying the “Indirect Cost Ratio per stapled security” by your average holding balance during the period. The Indirect Cost Ratio is calculated in accordance with Section 1017D of the Corporations Act 2001 and does not represent the Management Expense Ratio of Region (RGN).
Stapled Security Performance

Summary of Region’s price performance over the prior 12 months based on the price of a Region stapled security as at the close of trading on the ASX on the relevant day.

Date Closing Price on ASX Security price gain/loss
over the prior 12 months
30 June 2024
31 May 2024
30 April 2024
31 March 2024
29 February 2024
31 January 2024
31 December 2023
30 November 2023
31 October 2023
30 September 2023
31 August 2023
31 July 2023

The table shows the historical distributions for Region Stapled security over the past five financial years to FY23.

Year Ending Distribution per security Change over previous year
Resolving Complaints

If an issue has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers.
Telephone: 1800 931 678 (free call)
Email: [email protected]
In writing to: Australian Financial Complaints Authority, GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001

Glossary of Terms for Periodic & Exit Statements

If you have a complaint concerning your investment, please call Region Information Line on 1300 318 976 (within Australia) or +61 1300 318 976 (outside Australia). If you are dissatisfied with the response, you may raise the matter directly with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority, GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001 (Tel 1800 931 678). ASIC also has a free call info line on 1300 300 630.

Opening & Closing Balance

The number of Region securities (RGN) held as at the close of business. Notwithstanding that the security price and security value need not be shown for the purpose of these disclosures, the closing price of a Region security on 30 June has been used for illustrative purposes on the Periodic Statement. The Closing Balance on the Exit Statement is the ASX close price on the relevant date.

The date of any purchase of your securities refers to the settlement date for the transaction. You can obtain the trade date from your broker or financial adviser.

Investors may elect to receive all or part of their distribution in cash or reinvested as additional Region securities.

The number of securities reinvested as additional RGN securities under the Region distribution plan.

Is the distribution attributable to each securityholder on a pro-rata basis without any taxes being deducted.

Indirect costs are the approximate amount that has been deducted from your investment and includes costs such as registry, custody, accounting, employee benefits expense, corporate costs, office costs and other administrative costs. It is calculated by multiplying the “Indirect Cost Ratio per stapled security” by your average holding balance during the period. The Indirect Cost Ratio is calculated in accordance with section 1017D of the Corporations Act 2001 and does not represent Region’s Management Expense Ratio.

Neither the Periodic Statement nor the Exit Statement show your return on investment during the reporting period on an individual basis. This is because the market price at which you executed your transactions on the ASX is not provided to Region. You can calculate your individual investment return by obtaining the market price of your transactions from the broker who effected your transactions.

Is the distribution attributable to each securityholder following the deduction, if necessary, of withholding tax.

Is a date set by the Board of Region on which investors are paid distributions. The Payment Date can be any time after the Record Date, however:

  • an Interim Distribution Payment Date must be within 20 Business Days of the last day of the Interim Distribution Period ie. 31 December;
  • the Final Distribution Payment Date must be within 90 days of Region’s Financial Year End date.

The “cut-off” date established by Region to determine which investors are eligible to any distributions. The Record Date for the Interim Distribution is 31 December and the Record Date for the Final Distribution is 30 June.

If you have purchased or sold Region securities during the reporting period, the security price at the close of business and the transaction value (the number of securities multiplied by the ASX closing price) has not been included as Region does not have access to:

  • the price at which you bought or sold your securities;
  • the date you traded or any brokerage; or
  • commissions or spread between the bid price (price at which investors are willing to buy) or ask price (price at which investors are willing to sell).

You can obtain this information from your broker or financial adviser.

The number of Region securities on register at close of business on the settlement date.

If you have purchased or sold Region securities during the reporting period, the ASX closing price as at the close of business and the security value (the number of securities multiplied by the ASX closing price) has not been included as Region does not have access to the price at which you:

  • the price at which you bought or sold your securities;
  • the date you traded or any brokerage; or
  • commissions or spread between the bid price (price at which investors are willing to buy) or ask price (price at which investors are willing to sell).

You can obtain this information from your broker or financial adviser.

Tax withheld from investment income in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

November 2012 IPO - Woolworths Group Ltd shareholders

Registered shareholders in Woolworths Group Ltd on 30 November 2012 received one stapled security in Region RE Limited (formerly Shopping Centres Australasia Property Group RE Limited – SCA Property Group stapled security) for every five Woolworths shares held on that date.

Under the relevant privacy legislation neither Woolworths Group Ltd nor the unit registrar were able to provide Region Group with any personal information they previously held for you.

Accordingly if your holding in Region Group is derived from a holding in Woolworths Group Ltd, you must go to in order to provide Region Group with details of your:

  • TFN or ABN
  • bank account or financial institution account information
  • contact details
  • other details online for your holding

Alternatively contact the Region Information Line on 1300 318 976 (within Australia) or +61 1300 318 976 (outside Australia) to request the forms to be sent to you.

Woolworths Group Ltd;VWAP

Registered shareholders in Woolworths Group Ltd on 30 November 2012 received one stapled security in Region RE Limited (Region Group stapled security) for every five Woolworths shares held. The Class Ruling (CR 2012/121) obtained from the ATO in respect of the distribution of Region Group stapled security by Woolworths stated that the value of that distribution for tax purposes was the volume weighted average price (VWAP) of Region Group stapled security over the first five days of trading. This VWAP was $1.4397.

A copy of the Class Ruling (CR 2012/121) is available on the Australian Taxation Office website.

Proposed Redevelopment and Expansion

Greenbank Town Centre – Proposed Redevelopment

We are seeking an amended development approval from Economic Development Queensland for a major expansion and revitalisation of the existing Greenbank Shopping Centre. We would appreciate if you would please take a moment to share your thoughts on the proposed plans.

How often do you currently shop at Greenbank Shopping Centre?*(Required)
Do you generally support the plans as described?*(Required)
Would you like us to keep in contact with you about the project?*(Required)