Click here to view Region’s Half Year FY25 Results Presentation Webcast

About Us

Group Structure

Region RE Limited (ACN 158 809 851) (Region Group) comprises two (2) registered managed investment schemes, Region Management Trust (ARSN 160 612 626) (Management Trust) and Region Retail Trust (ARSN 160 612 788) (Retail Trust). The securities in each Trust are stapled to form the stapled listed vehicle, Region (ASX code ‘RGN’).

Region is internally managed. This structure is designed to enable a clear alignment of management interests to those of unitholders.

Region RE Limited (ACN 158 809 851) is the responsible entity (AFSL 426603) to each of the Management and Retail Trusts. The responsible entity is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Management Trust.

Proposed Redevelopment and Expansion

Greenbank Town Centre – Proposed Redevelopment

We are seeking an amended development approval from Economic Development Queensland for a major expansion and revitalisation of the existing Greenbank Shopping Centre. We would appreciate if you would please take a moment to share your thoughts on the proposed plans.

How often do you currently shop at Greenbank Shopping Centre?*(Required)
Do you generally support the plans as described?*(Required)
Would you like us to keep in contact with you about the project?*(Required)